Feature Matrix

The following table tells you about the different ways to generate a class with the code generation plugin. For each possibility is given an example with screenshot and resulting class.

Ways to generate code

The following list shows the different ways to create a java class. For each method an example is given

  1. Create with a Java Emitter template
  2. Create with a Java Emitter template and enhance with AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) code generation
  3. Generate a Java Emitter template and generate code with it
  4. Generate the class from scratch with AST
  5. Generate a Java Emitter template and generate code with it that is further enhanced with AST code generation
  6. Above 2. - 5. can be combined with a reference implementation. A reference implementation is a class with designated methods that are copied into the generated class.
  7. The java class can be asossiated with a database through an inputfile that specifies the structure
  8. The java class can be asossiated with a database through a connection to a database table
  9. The java class may not be related to a database.

Supported input files

The input files define a model that conform to a specified syntax/language. You can supply your own model by defining a domain specific language (DSL). The following input files are supported. Futher can be added through extensions.

Ways to extend the plugin

This sections lists all the extension points provided by the plug-in and states their use.

Implemented Extensions

This section shows where in the plugin the extension points are used to extend the functionality and thereby also funcion as a reference.


This section tells you about the checks that are implemented in the wizard.

Class definition

The checks on this page are the same as the one in the ordinary class wizard.

Java Code Generation

Since different values are needed for the different ways of code generation let us splitt the checks up:

Generating code with Java Emitter templates

Screenshot: As seen in the walkthrough There are to ways for generating code for a database table:
Through an input file. Here the following fields are needed:

Through a database connection:

If you choose to go with the option "Without DB" the following fields are needed:

JETemplate with AST improvement

Screenshot: As seen in the walkthrough There are to ways for generating code for a database table:
Through an input file. Here the following fields are needed:

Through a database connection:

If you choose to go with the option "Without DB" the following fields are needed:

Generate JETemplate

Screenshot: As seen in the walkthrough There are to ways for generating code for a database table:
Through an input file. Here the following fields are needed:

Through a database connection:

If you choose to go with the option "Without DB" the following fields are needed:

AST generation

Screenshot: As seen in the walkthrough There are to ways for generating code for a database table:
Through an input file. Here the following fields are needed:

Through a database connection:

If you choose to go with the option "Without DB" the following fields are needed:

JETemplate generation with AST improvement

Screenshot: As seen in the walkthrough There are to ways for generating code for a database table:
Through an input file. Here the following fields are needed:

Through a database connection:

If you choose to go with the option "Without DB" the following fields are needed:

Database access

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