Class ShipAuction

    • Field Detail

      • auctionedShip

        private final IShip auctionedShip
    • Constructor Detail

      • ShipAuction

        public ShipAuction​(java.time.LocalDateTime auctionDate,
                           int startingBid,
                           IShip auctionedShip)
        Create a ship auction where the ship did not have a previous owner.
        auctionDate - date of the auction
        startingBid - first bid of the auction
        auctionedShip - ship to be auctioned
      • ShipAuction

        public ShipAuction​(java.time.LocalDateTime auctionDate,
                           int startingBid,
                           IPlayer owner,
                           IShip auctionedShip)
        Create a ship auction together with it's owner.
        auctionDate - date of the auction
        startingBid - first bid of the auction
        owner - of the ship
        auctionedShip - ship to be auctioned