Class JavaFXUtils

  • @Component
    public class JavaFXUtils
    extends java.lang.Object
    Utility class facilitating some common tasks required by multiple components.
    Andi Hotz, (c) Sahits GmbH, 2013 Created on Dec 14, 2013
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      private org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext context  
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      private void addCellToGridPane​(int rowNum, TableRow row, int col, ITableCell cell, javafx.scene.Node node, javafx.scene.layout.GridPane grid, javafx.geometry.HPos halignment)
      Add a node to the grid pane with respect to the different constraints, that might be defined.
      void addCellToGridPane​(javafx.scene.layout.GridPane grid, int rowNum, TableRow row, int col, ITableCell cell, javafx.geometry.HPos hAlignment, java.lang.String textStyleClass)
      Adding a table cell to the grid
      javafx.scene.layout.GridPane createGridPaneFromModel​(Table model)
      Create a grid pane from a supplied table model.
      MoneyTransfer getMoneyTransfer​(IDataImageLoader imageLoader)
      Create a new instance for the money transfer.
      private int[] mapColIndices​(TableRow row)  
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • context

        private org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext context
    • Constructor Detail

      • JavaFXUtils

        public JavaFXUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • addCellToGridPane

        public void addCellToGridPane​(javafx.scene.layout.GridPane grid,
                                      int rowNum,
                                      TableRow row,
                                      int col,
                                      ITableCell cell,
                                      javafx.geometry.HPos hAlignment,
                                      java.lang.String textStyleClass)
        Adding a table cell to the grid
        grid - grid pant to which to add.
        rowNum - row index
        row - table row
        col - column index
        cell - the node is pased on
        hAlignment - horizontal alignment
        textStyleClass - style class for the text
      • addCellToGridPane

        private void addCellToGridPane​(int rowNum,
                                       TableRow row,
                                       int col,
                                       ITableCell cell,
                                       javafx.scene.Node node,
                                       javafx.scene.layout.GridPane grid,
                                       javafx.geometry.HPos halignment)
        Add a node to the grid pane with respect to the different constraints, that might be defined.
        rowNum - row index
        row - table row
        col - column index
        cell - the node is pased on
        node - node to be added
        grid - grid pant to which to add.
        halignment - horizontal alignment
      • createGridPaneFromModel

        public javafx.scene.layout.GridPane createGridPaneFromModel​(Table model)
        Create a grid pane from a supplied table model.
        model - base model
        grid pane
      • mapColIndices

        private int[] mapColIndices​(TableRow row)
      • getMoneyTransfer

        public MoneyTransfer getMoneyTransfer​(IDataImageLoader imageLoader)
        Create a new instance for the money transfer.
        new control for the money transfer.