Interface IImageLoader

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
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    public interface IImageLoader
    Interface defining the functionality for loading images. The implementation provides caching of loaded images
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      javafx.scene.image.Image getImage​(java.lang.String name)
      Get the image associated with name.
      javafx.scene.image.Image getImage​(java.lang.String name, double destWidth, double destHeight)
      Retrieve the image with the given dimensions
      javafx.scene.image.Image loadImage​(java.lang.String fnm)
      Load the image from fnm, returning it as a Image.
      javafx.scene.image.Image loadImage​(java.lang.String fnm, double width, double height)
      Load the image from fnm with the defined dimensions, returning it as a Image.
    • Method Detail

      • getImage

        javafx.scene.image.Image getImage​(java.lang.String name)
        Get the image associated with name. If there are several images stored under that name, return the first one in the list.
      • loadImage

        javafx.scene.image.Image loadImage​(java.lang.String fnm)
        Load the image from fnm, returning it as a Image.
      • loadImage

        javafx.scene.image.Image loadImage​(java.lang.String fnm,
                                           double width,
                                           double height)
        Load the image from fnm with the defined dimensions, returning it as a Image.
      • getImage

        javafx.scene.image.Image getImage​(java.lang.String name,
                                          double destWidth,
                                          double destHeight)
        Retrieve the image with the given dimensions
        name - of the image
        destWidth - destination width
        destHeight - destination height